Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Holy Spirit Teacher as Jesus Christ is Savior?

Do you trust the Holy Spirit to be your teacher as much as you trust Jesus Christ to be your Savior?

Through-out the past 2 weeks this question has been brought up by my supervisor here at my college and our whole team has been pondering what this question rises within our own lives in the areas of trusting and believing that the Lord has every area of our lives in His control.
This is very much in my opinion a trust issue and a believing issue on our part.

Do we believe that the Lord will guide us by His spirit, just as much as we believe that He sent Jesus to die for us?

Do we believe with EVERY aspect of our lives that the Lord is in full control and we can trust Him?

Do we trust Him to give us the wisdom to make EVERY decision in our lives?

Do we believe that He is capable of EVERY good and perfect thing? (my mom asked me this yesterday and I doubting said "yes...?")

Do we believe that He knows BEST?

Do we believe that He will provide for whatever needs we have? (Both physical and spiritual)

do we trust and believe that He will guide us perfectly in the direction that He has planned for us?

I know that in my personal life I don't believe and trust in all of these areas. But, I am desiring to start walking out in trust and belief. I know that I cannot do this on my own strength, but ONLY by the Lord's.

I am starting to realize that this will take an act of humbling myself and giving these areas fully to the Lord and asking for His help in ALL of these areas. If I am in control I am going to get no where at all. I must come to a place of trusting the Holy Spirit to guide me as much as I trust Jesus Christ to be my Savior. Wow, that's an intense thing to trust in....

Lord, Humble me. Show me how to trust and believe in your Holy Spirit in EVERY aspect of my life. Lord, I need you. Guide me...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I randomly found your blog while checking out fellow Total Truth fans who use blogger. I like your site. I am a seminary student in Chicago, and an aspiring writer with a blog of my own (rjmoeller.com). Check it out some time. Take care.
